EEI’s Gas Inspection Program provides pipeline inspection and integrity services for natural gas pipeline systems. Services include inspections of gas transmission, distribution and storage systems. Our services are compliant with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and those of state regulatory agencies, such as the California Public Utilities Commission. EEI also provides Locating (& Marking) Services of buried underground infrastructures as part of the Division’s services.
EEI is committed to our clients in the personnel that provide the services. EEI has been serving the Natural Gas Industry for over 16 years. EEI has a proven track record of continuous service with clients that include major natural gas utility companies, such as Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), Southern California Gas Company, Piedmont Natural Gas, etc, as well as many municipal gas utilities.
EEI’s Inspection Program includes:

- Construction Management and Inspection
- Third-Party Inspection
- Pipe/Coating Mills
- Transmission and Distribution Pipelines
- Station Construction
- Safety Inspections
- Material Control
- Plant Construction
- Storage Terminals
- NDT Level I and Level II
- Hydrostatic Testing
EEI’s extensive database of potential candidates and our intimate knowledge of their strengths and capabilities make this possible. We rely heavily on peer group reviews and feedback from the client to continuously assess the performance and capabilities of individual inspectors.

- Qualified gas journeymen with 20+ years utility experience
- Certified Welding Inspector qualifications, (Certified through the American Welding Society)
- NACE qualified coating inspections
- Technical support for design and engineering of pipeline replacement and new construction;
- Inspection of installations of all gas transmission and distribution pipe systems;
- Utility locating and marking services;
- Stand-by service and support for utility excavations to ensure compliance with industry safety standards per the 2010 Code of Federal Regulations Title 49;
- Commercial/Industrial Meter Inspection and Maintenance
- Regulator Station Inspection and Maintenance
- Instrumentation Inspection and Maintenance
- Cathodic Protection Maintenance and Troubleshooting
EEI’s Locate (& Mark) Services :
Damage caused by third party dig-ins are the single largest cause of damage to pipeline facilities and critical infrastructures year after year. Millions of dollars are spent each year to repair damages to underground facilities. Our core competency is accurately locating and marking critical buried infrastructures.
EEI offers Sub Surface Utility Engineering (SUE) and work plans providing non- destructive surface geo physical methods to determine the presence of sub surface utilities. EEI will mark the subsurface utilities horizontal positions on the ground surface utilizing the latest equipment and expertise available applying the appropriate utility colors. EEI’s technicians are trained and experienced to properly and accurately identify critical infrastructures, in a safe and efficient manner. Aside from relying on state of the art technology, EEI’s technicians are experienced in identifying other probable risk when taking on each assignment. EEI’s technicians are supported by expert staff support to ensure that our clients concern(s) and need(s) are addressed in a timely and effective manner.